Thursday 26 November 2015

Presentation Techniques

                                     Do's and Don'ts

                                             (Pitch and Presentation)


  • Stand straight
  • Keep organised (Plan your timing, remember the pitch)
  • Keep practicing
  • Have visual aids 
  • Know all your facts and figures (BCAP code, air times)
  • Show your passion
  • Be clear
  • Stick to the subject
  • Keep to your time
  • Stay Professional
  • Be loud and and clear when you speak
  • Change your tone frequently
  • Keep eye contact


  • Slouch back
  • Face the board
  • Hide behind your cue cards
  • Shout or mumble
  • Swear
  • Do nothing until the day
  • Be unorganised
  • Drift from the subject
  • Go over time
  • Stick to one tone

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